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5. Acquire EIN Number

Establishing a business bank account, along with obtaining an EIN (employer identification number), can demonstrate your commitment to building a strong foundation for your business in Texas. An EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a unique 9-digit number assigned by the IRS for tax purposes and is required to open a business bank account.

Please Note: The online system to obtain an EIN is active Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

  1. Navigate to EIN Request and click "Begin Application"

  2. Click "Limited Liability Company (LLC)"

  3. Click "Continue"

  4. Enter 1 member and Texas (TX) and continue

  5. Click "Continue"

  6. Click "Continue" again

  7. Click "Started a new business"

  8. Click "Continue"

  9. Type your first name

  10. Type your last name

  11. Type your SSN

  12. Select "I am one of the owners, members, or the managing member of this LLC"

  13. Click "Continue"

  14. Type your street address with apartment number

  15. Type your city

  16. Type your ZIP code

  17. Select "Texas" from the list of states

  18. Type your ZIP code

  19. Type your phone number

  20. Click "No"

  21. Click Continue"

  22. Click "Accept as Entered" if applicable

  23. Type the legal name of LLC

  24. Type the county where LLC is located

  25. Select "Texas" for state/territory where LLC is located

  26. Select "Texas" for state/territory where articles of organization are (or will be) filed

  27. Select the month and type the year of when LLC will be formed

  28. Click "Continue"

  29. Select "No" for "Does your business own a highway motor vehicle with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more"?

  30. Select "No" for "Does your business involve gambling/wagering?"

  31. Select "No" for "Does your business need to file Form 720 (Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return)?"

  32. Select "No" for "Does your business sell or manufacture alcohol, tobacco, or firearms?"

  33. Select "No" for "Do you have, or do you expect to have, any employees who will receive Forms W-2 in the next 12 months?"

  34. Click "Continue"

  35. Select the option that further describes your business activity

  36. Click "Continue"

  37. Select "Receive letter online"

  38. Click "Continue"

  39. Review your information for accuracy

  40. Click "Submit"

  41. Click "CLICK HERE for Your EIN Confirmation Letter"

  42. Download the PDF of the EIN Form

  43. Upload it into your InstateMe portal

  44. Update the "Status" column within your Checklist

  45. Completed the BOIR step for legal compliance (not located within the Checklist)

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